Friday, September 23, 2011

Web Comics

Note: This is not all the web comics there are, just the ones I've been following.

Amya Chronicles

Bastard Who/Gentleman's Chronicles

Dark Legacy Comics



Fire Nation Hahn -Foxysquid's A:TLA fan comic.

4 Nations Academy

Girl Genius

Girls With Slingshots


Gutters, the

Hijinks Ensue

Hopeless, Maine

Looking For Group

Meek, the

Monsters Abroad


String Theory

I'm not entirely sure about this one, as of this entry to the mix (have not looked yet), but it's been mentioned on DeviantART: Toilet Genie. I'm assuming it's a web comic. Haven't had a good look at it yet. Does appear so, at least, at a cursory glance.

WATER TRIBE - cap0s, because Rufftoon is awesome like that. Also, for a REAL AVATAR (I.E., AVATAR, THE LAST AIRBENDER) fan story, it feels like canon.


Zen Pencils

To Be Read Dept., Division 6

Bite Me!

Grand Comics Database